Plan Your Visit
Whether you plan on making your first visit to church, you are a new follower of Christ, or a new member of the Cypress Family, we strive to offer you some next steps to encourage you along in your journey.
What to expect on your first visit to Cypress:
When you arrive at the church for a worship service, you can expect to be greeted by a friendly face. Our Welcome Team is ready to meet you and answer any questions you might have.
What you wear isn't important. You are invited to come as you are and in what you are most comfortable. Most of our attenders typically dress fairly casual, but it's not uncommon to see people in suits or dresses either.
We love kids! There are activities available for your preschoolers and children during whichever service you attend. After you check in your children, we will show you where they go!
We have parking conveniently located around all of our buildings at all of our campuses. At our campuses you will also see our friendly parking team who can help direct you around the campus!
Students are our 6th-12th graders! We have Sunday School classes available at 9:00am and 10:45am at our Benton Campus and at 9:30am at our South Campus. And then head to service!
Safety is an extremely high priority for us. Many procedures have been put in place to ensure a safe, secure experience for all of our members and visitors.
Sunday School Classes
Benton Campus - 9:00am and 10:45am
South Campus - 9:30am
Where community happens! Get connected with other people here at Cypress. God calls us to love our neighbor, beginning with our brothers and sisters in Christ. This includes coming alongside one another to encourage each other in the faith. Life can be hard; don't do it alone! Click the button below to find a class you can connect with.